Welcome to St Mary's,
Waterloo Park


Join us for Elevenses!

Thursdays 11:00 - 12:15
The Meeting Room, 32 Brooklands Avenue (St Mary's Church)

Tea, coffee, chat, craft
Come and tell us your ideas!



Church Services

Sunday 10:00 a.m. - Parish Eucharist (in the church hall)
Wednesday 10:30 a.m. - Eucharist (in the meeting room)

We are a friendly and inclusive church, worshipping in our church hall which provides a warm and intimate atmosphere. Most of our congregation live in the parish and you will find us welcoming and down-to-earth. Worship is varied. The Sunday Parish Eucharist is quite traditional and middle-of the-road while the Wednesday morning Eucharist is more informal.

We are a member of Inclusive Church and also hold the Child Friendly Church Award.


People at St Mary's

Rev Janet Bissex
Honorary Assistant Curate

I am a retired priest – that is, I am retired from being paid!!
I grew up on the Wirral and began working life as a primary school teacher. After teaching in Birkenhead, I spent 2 years in Ghana, and then trained for ministry in the Church. I have served in Netherton, Toxteth, Kirkdale and Bootle, all in Liverpool Diocese. I am married to Ray, who is a Reader Emeritus.

Rev Peter Walker
Honorary Assistant Curate

Peter was born in Wolverhampton. He was Head of English and Languages and taught French for many years before ordination. He was a minister in Lichfield Diocese and then Team Vicar in a group of seven churches in North Wales. He has published six volumes of poetry and for a year he was the Church in Wales poet, reading at both the Diocesan Synod and twice at the Welsh Governing Body. On retirement, Peter and his wife Susie moved to Crosby to be near to their daughter, son-in-law and grandson. He continues to support Wolves!

Mrs Karen Stark
PCC Secretary

I grew up in Waterloo and have been a member of St. Mary's all my life, having been baptised here as a baby. I joined the choir at age seven which sparked my lifelong love of singing. Following the birth of my elder daughter Caitlin, I became a Sunday School teacher until I was elected Church Warden in 2014.
Outside church, I am an accounts manager in our family accountancy practice. My main hobby is singing and I am a member of two local choirs which have allowed me to sing some of the most beautiful choral music in some of the most beautiful places around the world.

Mr Ray Bissex
Reader Emeritus

Ray grew up in Netherton, about 4 miles away and attended St Oswald’s church from an early age. In 1983 he married Janet and moved to Toxteth, subsequently moving to Kirkdale and later to Bootle before arriving in Waterloo on Janet’s retirement as a vicar. While in Kirkdale Ray trained as a Reader and was licensed in 2000.
Ray is a Chartered Accountant. Having started in a Liverpool firm, he has worked for himself for the last 15 years. This has led to being involved with a number of churches, appointment as a school governor, and being a trustee of a couple of charities. One of these is the Community of Aidan and Hilda which requires trips to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne every three months.

Mr Howard Pate

Howard is a retired librarian, and has been married to Elsie for nearly twenty years. He particularly enjoys walking and reading, and visiting antique shops and fairs identifying artefacts which are usually beyond his price range! In addition to his work for St Mary's, Howard is a member of the Waterloo Park Residents' Association.

Mrs Elsie Pate

As well as being a Churchwarden, Elsie runs our Tuesday Club which meets alternate Tuesdays and provides entertainment, speakers and activities for many of our local residents.

Mr Peter Cowley
Honorary Assistant Curate

I am Peter Cowley. Born in Walton Hospital ans brought up in Bootle till age of 10 when we moved to Waterloo next to St Faiths church as it happened. I went to Waterloo County Secondary Modern School. I attended St John’s Church Waterloo. Until I went to Church Army College in 1974 to 1976. Becoming a Church Army Evangelist and ministered in several Parishes in Liverpool, Bristol and St Albans dioceses. I am married to Sandra and have two adult daughters and five grandchildren. I retired in 2018 from full time work in the mental health sector as a Carer support worker. I was and SSM in Prescot till retirement in 2020 and came to the parish in April 2023 and was given Permission to Officiate in May 2023.
I am happily now enjoying all I do at St Mary’s and also at St Faith’s. 

Christenings (Baptism)

For all Baptism enquiries, please ring Lynda Dixon
0151 928 7330

Baptisms are normally held within the normal Sunday service at 10:00 a.m. We expect parents (and Godparents if at all possible) to attend the Sunday service the week before the baptism and the week after.

Book the Hall

For all hall and 32 Brooklands meeting room booking enquiries, please ring Lynne
07896 159694

St Mary’s Hall:
Rental charge £21 per hour

32 Brooklands Meeting Room:
Rental charge £15 per hour

Security Deposit per booking:


Hon. Curate: Rev. Janet Bissex
0151 5384767

Rev. Peter Walker

Reader Emeritus: Ray Bissex
01515 384767

Park Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 3XE

Parish Office
32 Brooklands Avenue L22 3XZ

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