Thursdays 11:00 - 12:15
The Meeting Room, 32 Brooklands Avenue (St Mary's Church)
Tea, coffee, chat, craft
Come and tell us your ideas!
For all Baptism enquiries, please ring Lynda Dixon
0151 928 7330
Baptisms are normally held within the normal Sunday service at 10:00 a.m. We expect parents (and Godparents if at all possible) to attend the Sunday service the week before the baptism and the week after.
For all hall and 32 Brooklands meeting room booking enquiries, please ring Lynne
07896 159694
St Mary’s Hall:
Rental charge £21 per hour
32 Brooklands Meeting Room:
Rental charge £15 per hour
Security Deposit per booking:
Hon. Curate: Rev. Janet Bissex
0151 5384767
Rev. Peter Walker
Reader Emeritus: Ray Bissex
01515 384767
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